Hosted at Gateway Christian Center Inc., a contemporary place of worship in Cotuit, MA - this 240 kW canopy will utilize only a portion of the parking lot so as to avoid any tree removal and optimize parking lot spaces for visitors. The tall canopies will act as a shield to protect the parking lot from erosion and will allow for church goers to not have to remove snow on their vehicles after Sunday service.
Sign UpEnjoy savings for the life of the program.
10% Discount.
Cancel anytime with 180 days notice
No Fees.
The map provides general information about the local area that is able to participate in the project. If the project is accepting subscribers, you will be able to join the project and support clean, local, more affordable power.
* This list is not exhaustive
kWh of Clean Energy Produced Annually
The metrics shown above are based on the expected annual generation of this project and derived from the EPA greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator at
Charges: $100.00
Credits Applied: $0.00
Amount Due: $100.00
Charges: $100.00
Credits Applied: -$100.00
Amount Due: $0.00
Generated: 1000 kWh
Credits: $100.00
Amount Due: $90.00
When the recipient signs onto a project, both you and the recipient will receive a check for ¤0.